Welcome to Western High School, home of the Warriors. Western High has a rich tradition of academic success, student opportunities and school spirit. Western High School offers many courses and pathways in meeting the State of Michigan’s graduation requirements. Students choose additional courses from our curriculum and offered programs to meet their individual goals.
Western High School’s curriculum offers courses in art, drama, other world languages, choir and band. Students also have opportunities in CAD drafting and design, welding and wood shop. Some of our elective classes articulate with Delta earning students college credit while in high school. In addition, students have opportunities to participate in work-based learning, career center, and dual enrollment with Delta College or SVSU. Western also supports a number of after school clubs for students such as Robotics, fishing, chess, SADD and many others.
WHS rests in the middle of Auburn, Michigan and is the home to approximately 1200 students. Approx 70% of the senior class completes the FAFSA in preparation to further their education at the college level, WHS students are well-prepared for the next chapter of their lives.
Today, Western High School remains the home of the Warriors. WHS staff teach students more than academics. We teach them to Be A Warrior! Being a warrior is embracing the idea of doing the difficult things that need to be done to make oneself, one's team, one's school, one's family, one's community better. Warriors have always been needed in every culture/society throughout time, the same is true now. Warriors make a difference!